Released last week, Kingfisher Bird (10331) hit the streets to get excitement. The majestic expansion into the animal kingdom has already made its mark with builders — Jay at notes it “is a superb display model, very fun to build and a great addition to your nature-inspired LEGO displays…”
Kingfisher Bird retails for $49.99, has 834 pieces, and 109.18 BVI. Over half (51.8%) of the set is dominated by only three colors: dark blue (24.10%), black (15.11%), and trans-clear (12.59%), and a whooping 24 other colors make up the remaining 48.2%. Parts wise, there are 130 unique parts and 177 unique elements — meaning less variation in parts as to other sets we’ve discussed here.
Without further ado, here’s the Stat Card for LEGO 10331: Kingfisher Bird:
Set Name: Kingfisher Bird
Theme: Icons
Piece Count: 834
Retail Price: $49.99
Weight: 812g
BVI: 109.18
ppp: $0.05994
ppg: $0.06156
LPPP Total: $104.57
LPPP: $0.12538
Unique Colors: 27
Unique Parts: 130
Unique Elements: 177
That’s 10331 by the numbers. What do you think?